Technology News This Morning – June 10 2013

Technology News This Morning – June 10 2013

Posted by on Jun 10, 2013 in Blog, Tech News

Technology News This Morning – June 10 2013

Good morning. Here’s the technology news for June 10, 2013:

  1. The man who leaked details of the NSA’s Internet-spying program PRISM is a Booz Allen employee named Edward Snowden. He’s currently in a Hong Kong hotel, running out of money. Read…
  2. Here’s the story of how Snowden approached the Washington Post. Read…
  3. The other big news is that today is Apple’s big developer conference in San Francisco, WWDC. Lines for today’s event began forming at 9:15 in the morning…yesterday. Read…
  4. Apple’s biggest announcement will be a re-designed operating system for iPhones and iPads. Here are some details on the new look, including a new font. Read…
  5. Apple VP Eddy Cue has a busy week ahead. Today, WWDC. Three days later, he’ll be the star witness in Apple’s ebook price-fixing case. Read…
  6. SPOTTED: Apple design boss Jony Ive before his big moment. Read…
  7. Google is close to buying mapping startup Waze for $1.3 billion. Read…
  8. This is the story of a young Web developer who can’t believe he gets paid $150,000. Read…
  9. Dropbox CEO Drew Houston gave the commencement address at MIT. He says he succeeded when ‘I stopped trying to make my life perfect, and instead tried to make it interesting.’ Read…
  10. How different is Samsung’s work culture from the others in tech? The company only just decided to allow employees to wear short sleeve shirts. Read…

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